shiok shiok shiok man! This week has been absolutely fantastic so far! Caught phantom of the opera wif peiyuan and well, i juz gotta admit tt i love musicals man! I love the songs, the glitzy screenshots and the majestic scenes, so beautiful man! And for the first time in so long i was actually the one hu arrived first..haha becoming more and more punctual...
Yesterday went to sch to play badminton wif zixu after getting our very own rackets! The badminton session sure brought back the Mugging days when we would take frequent breaks from all the insane mugging and play for many many hours wif slavedriver too..
Finally got mi basic theory evaluation for driving done and todae i kinda shocked the instructor. After i registered for mi evaluation, i immediately started doing and juz when the instructor finish taking attendance and registering the trainees, i went up to him and he tot tt mi computer have problem. I told him i've passed the evaluation and his jaw literally dropped..and then more latecomers came in and he was like saying,' so super ar? cannot be do so fast lar.' He then checked the time in and said,' only 4min and u done wif the 50 questions?' Being the HUMBLE mi, i juz smiled at him...well can't blame mi, i'm a genius afterall..
And now for mi dental attachment, i guess the dentist relly had a veh good opinion of mi, coz i'm always punctual! Unbelievable rite? Especially yesterday, i was supposed to reach the clinic at 8am and i was late and rather worried and when i arrived, i saw tt the clinic only opened at i'm damn early..sat down and had breakfast..And when the gates opened, i was the first one inside! Great rite? And yesterday i took many great photos, including one veh decayed tooth tt was extracted...And todae when i went, the dentist asked mi if i wanted to assist her todae and i almost shrieked wif joy man!!
I proceeded to wear the surgical gown and started to learn the trade of a dental apprentice..well, apprentice sounded nicer than assistant =) But i tynk her patients quite poor thing todae, coz i tynk i din relly did well wif the suction tube and vacuum which was supposed to remove excess water in the mouth and as a result, during the drilling when water is splashing out, most of her patients' faces became wet..=x
I relly tynk God is relly good to mi coz firstly, he gave mi this attachment. Then it is a christian clinic! And thirdly he answered mi prayers which was for mi to be a dental apprentice! For those hu knoe, no other guys in singapore will ever get to enjoy mi privilege coz guys can never be dental assistants for many many reasons! So it's relly relly relly a fantastic day dun u all tynk? =)=)=)