Went to watch rvco concert zhiyin III wif janie and yiqi yesterday and i've gotta say tt it's nice seeing all mi juniors again. Not only that, i also managed to talk to some of mi relly relly old seniors like those 3 years older? haha and there're mi juniors hu also have graduated from rvco..quite a heart-warming feeling to see all mi old frens..
And the last song tt they played in the concert, which was the song tt belonged to mi generation when we performed in syf. That song juz brings back so many memories..the shanghai trip, the numerous rehearsals, and of course the loss to dunman high during the finals. Well, the loss was justified given tt dunman high's song was also superbly nice but still, it was agonising..Juz felt glad tt i can get to hear this fantastic song again!
Was discussing wif janie and relly, we had similar thoughts. The co doesn't belong to us anymore. It seems so foreign ( i knoe i am stating the obvious but bear wif mi ). Actually, after this batch of sec4s graduate, i would not know anyone from rvco anymore..tt's how sad and when tt happens, then we would relly relly have become a part of the history of rvco. I guess all seniors would have gone tt path before; coming to terms with being a part of history isn't relly very nice.
At least i had fun yesterday playing wif mi cute and irritating sec4 juniors! Gosh! sec4 and still so playful and naughty..yanrong and pearleen especially...luckily i had 2 guai juniors in agnes and siqi! Took many fun and spastic pictures wif janie being the lead spastic actress in most of them..relly..i shld publish an 8R size photo and put it under ur void deck or sth..hahahahahahaha!!
And i also talked to mi cousin kathleen! oh my! she suddenly grew up and became so demure!! hahaha i can't believe it man! Had a chat wif her last nite at 2am and i tynk tt her engine already run out in sch todae..Well, she's an immense talent and obviously we share similar views on a no. of issues! At least we're lotr fans man! haha
And todae i went for mi first ever ever ever ever ever munual driving lesson!! WOW man!! it's so great and wonderful and fantastic to be in the driving seat! So so so so so so so so fun man!! haha and i tynk i'm relly a born driver, immensely filled wif talent and the instructor asked mi if i ever drove illegally b4 because i was juz sooooooooooo good! Transition from gear to gear was piece of cake. However i do have a weakness--getting a car to move from a stationary position. Somehow, i tynk i still not good enough since mi car can only start moving after 5 seconds..hmmm...but dun worry..mi talent would soon rise above tt!
Relly had 2 great days! Can't wait to get mi driving lisence man..which is another step forward to being the most eligible bachelor..haha bae yong jun u watch out! haha
And the last song tt they played in the concert, which was the song tt belonged to mi generation when we performed in syf. That song juz brings back so many memories..the shanghai trip, the numerous rehearsals, and of course the loss to dunman high during the finals. Well, the loss was justified given tt dunman high's song was also superbly nice but still, it was agonising..Juz felt glad tt i can get to hear this fantastic song again!
Was discussing wif janie and relly, we had similar thoughts. The co doesn't belong to us anymore. It seems so foreign ( i knoe i am stating the obvious but bear wif mi ). Actually, after this batch of sec4s graduate, i would not know anyone from rvco anymore..tt's how sad and when tt happens, then we would relly relly have become a part of the history of rvco. I guess all seniors would have gone tt path before; coming to terms with being a part of history isn't relly very nice.
At least i had fun yesterday playing wif mi cute and irritating sec4 juniors! Gosh! sec4 and still so playful and naughty..yanrong and pearleen especially...luckily i had 2 guai juniors in agnes and siqi! Took many fun and spastic pictures wif janie being the lead spastic actress in most of them..relly..i shld publish an 8R size photo and put it under ur void deck or sth..hahahahahahaha!!
And i also talked to mi cousin kathleen! oh my! she suddenly grew up and became so demure!! hahaha i can't believe it man! Had a chat wif her last nite at 2am and i tynk tt her engine already run out in sch todae..Well, she's an immense talent and obviously we share similar views on a no. of issues! At least we're lotr fans man! haha
And todae i went for mi first ever ever ever ever ever munual driving lesson!! WOW man!! it's so great and wonderful and fantastic to be in the driving seat! So so so so so so so so fun man!! haha and i tynk i'm relly a born driver, immensely filled wif talent and the instructor asked mi if i ever drove illegally b4 because i was juz sooooooooooo good! Transition from gear to gear was piece of cake. However i do have a weakness--getting a car to move from a stationary position. Somehow, i tynk i still not good enough since mi car can only start moving after 5 seconds..hmmm...but dun worry..mi talent would soon rise above tt!
Relly had 2 great days! Can't wait to get mi driving lisence man..which is another step forward to being the most eligible bachelor..haha bae yong jun u watch out! haha
At 9:43 PM,
sarangaia said…
u noe, if u'd go back, rvco will always belong to you, to all rvco members.. cos the teachers r still there, n we all still did share all the times together.. anyway, it was great playing wu ti lah.. must admit i was impressed with the seniors when i first stepped into co by this song.. its like a dream come true!! hehehe.. btw, wads with ur obsession with byj? eeww..
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