A Titus watch from my cousin Xingquan and family...it's darn nice..red my favourite..
Books!! From the left, "Love that Lasts" from wendy, "The Screwtape letters" from eric and angeline, "living life boldly" from jessica chia, and "steps to a successful christian" from ian. All these people are from my cell group!

Escape CK cologne from my ex cell group members : Shawna, Huimin, Gary, Yitian. While i said that i dun want cologne, i was just joking lar! HAHA! The reason was that i have too many cologne at home. Oh well, now i can use it everyday since i have a great abundance. Hope i wun attract too many girls man!

A tie and fantastic bookmark from ruth, a church friend. I'll have many future use for it..in fact i tynk i can already use it for church dinner in september!

SKS bookstore vouchers!! This is 1 of my favourite gifts, because SKS bookstore is 1 of my favourite bookstores of all time. I spend about $50 a month buying books from there...So a very very fitting gift! The thing is, this place is a christian bookstore and is located at a super ulu place, yet they went and got this for me. And Even photostat the voucher onto a harder piece of paper so that i can keep a replica as a souvenior of the gift i received...from: Limin and Eexuan (and Limin's bf!)

Another fantastic gift from my class. Thanks for this wonderful gift coz my handphone is really ancient and ah pek already! From 15 pple. zixu, jasmine, valerie, seok fun, fiona, boon cheng, melisa, meiling, xu cen, zhenjie, wee boon, jianhong, sengkiat, cheekeong, junyuan

Wow!! 1 of only 2 people who acknowledged that i'm a genius. haha another great gift..TECMAN, 2nd favourite bookstore in singapore, and i also love frequenting this place! thanks for the vouchers and the card, Felicia, my cell group friend. I love your note especially, very touched.

5 birthday cards that i received...from My aunt Constance and family (blue card). This card is hilarious, it reads, on your birthday...ones that make you LAUGH, or ones full of MONEY. And inside is really a red packet with alot of money...SHOCKED! Card on top left is from shawna huimin gary, Red card is from fiona norman agnes, green ducky card is from my Aunt Helen, and last card below is from Valerie. I love this card the most. So simple and nice. Very nice message inside too.

3 CDs from jieqiang who is also from my cell group! Fantastic man...i love cds with christian songs...FaceDOWN by MATT REDMAN, and the other 2 is SAXCHILL and PIANOCHILL. nice.

All my ang pows...i shall not disclose how much i got...haha but yea mostly from all my aunts and uncles and grandparents.

Another shocking and totally unexpected gift...Barney coin bank from fiona norman and agnes...inside is a whopping amount of $$.

Chocolates and a tissue box again from Aunt Helen, wah she got me many things. And she said that the tweety looks like me. What did i say about me being cute? haha

My guestbook! A present given to me by janie. And in it, is recorded all the well-wishes of all my friends and relatives, my parents and all the funny stuff also...hahaha makes me wanna laugh just reading it..hee...

Zara long sleeve shirt from my army ocs pals, mark shiwei serhwee and weize...thanks guys..hope your tummies are feeling better!
Wah...after this i still must blog about my party...then must blog about recent happenings...wah a few long posts ahead man!
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