
Saturday, January 13, 2007


Don't delete this just because it looks weird. Believe it or not, you can read it.

I cdnuolt blveiee taht I cluod aulaclty uesdnatnrd waht I was rd anieg. The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid Aoccdrnig to rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?

I got this from an email and i just found it to be rather interesting!

Anyway i was just thinking of humility that day. The moment someone thinks that he is humble, he is actually not humble anymore. He's actually "proud" that he is humble. ha

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

The Blur infection

Blur Blur Blur!!!! Can't find any better word to describe the 2 significant events which happened yesterday and today.

I was late again, in meeting tony to go for our friend's karen's wedding. Was supposed to meet him at 6.45pm at a bus stop but somehow i only left home at 6.45pm, hurriedly slipped on my shoes and drove out, all the while noting the petrol meter hovering near empty. Not wanting to face the scenario of pushing the car along orchard, i went to a nearby kiosk to pump and i was just feeling all comfortable...when...wait a minute...

I dun remember that i was supposed to feel comfortable in the pair of leather shoes borrowed from my dad!! I looked down, and true to my gut feel, i was in my pair of outing shoes, which i've so faithfully and comfortably slipped on in these past few days of worklessness. So i zipped all the way home, changed my shoes and i think i must looked quite comical coz my mum's friend actually laughed at me. Sigh...

Karen's wedding was not bad and table attendance was like only 8 and so for once in a banquet, i actually felt extremely full at the end of it all. The only thing lacking in the wedding was the lack of more boistorous friends, friends who do not mind making a fool of themselves to make your day, as it was evident in the traditional yum sing where most of the noise came from stage! Sad right? Just makes me want to include those artificial yum sing sound with digital dolby 3D surround sound for my own wedding in future man!

And the 2nd stage of the blur infection happened today. While waiting for my mum to do her physiotherapy, i had my mind on registering my referral letter for a visit to the podiatrist, even though my appointment was supposed to be on the 30 Jan. Just wanted to double check that my appointment was keyed in.

I passed the letter to the lady and she checked for me and she actually couldn't find the records! I was a little bit stunned too, and in a little bit of frustration,

I asked her, "How can such a thing happened? I called the lady and she gave me that appointment and i even asked her if this letter was valid for 6 months!"

The receptionist was at a loss and she said she would get her colleague to check and after 5min, her colleague called me to make another appointment since they couldn't find any fixed appointment for me. And again, i repeated what i said to this other receptionist.

And she was puzzled and asked me which number i called. I looked for it frantically on that referral letter and pointed it out to her. She exclaimed that that wasn't the number for their hospital!

At that point, i was visibly shaken and going into a state of shock soon. Immediately, my eye zoomed in on the name of the hospital and i saw..."TAN TOCK SENG HOSPITAL". A humongous "OOPS!" was uttered in my thoughts and just at that moment, the receptionist decided to give that number a call...

To save myself from further embarrassment, i gamely admitted that i made a mistake and made a hurried exit from that place....

Blur Blur Blur!! I've never been so blur in my life!! Must have been going out too often with my friends liao...hahahahahaha joking!

all right, all enjoy yourselves

Sunday, January 07, 2007

This morning, i failed to wake up at dawn to do my qt!! argh, but there's always tml. But as a result of waking up late, my youngest sister was late, and my 2nd sister was also latE! A chain of events man. Oh well, tml tml tml is a new day!

And i was stuck in rush hour for super long just to go for my physio appointment when i realised that i totally cannot make it already. the physio there is real strict, late and she will not see you. So rather than waste my time going there pleading with her, i just stopped at a carpark, and made another appointment another time. See? Consequences of just waking up late.

So i decided to just stay at the carpark lot and read my book, while waiting for rush hour to pass. No point squeezing, stopping and going, and just inching forward. Waste of time. So out whipped the book Cinderella Man!

I remember watching this movie with zixu and jas last year at marina square. It was real early then and there was nobody at the shopping centre. The theatre was barely 10% filled too, but we enjoyed the show. It was a true story btw.

It was set in early 1930, during the time of the great depression. James J. Braddock was an up and coming boxer, winning many fights and invested in stocks and shares until the market came crashing down. He lost almost everything, and he even lost his ability to fight. He was out of job, poor, had 3 kids and a wife, had trouble paying for electricity, and sometimes even having to starve himself.

He tried to continue fighting, but kept losing and even broke the bones in his right hand, the only good hand he has in boxing and eventually, his license as a boxer was revoked. Desperate, he had to find work at the shipyard. He was lucky he got picked along with 8 others out of 50 and went on to work. With only his weak left hand, he struggled to hide his disability and managed to get by in the few months.

One day, his manager and good friend managed to offer him a boxing match, in which he was supposed to be fodder for his opponent. But surprisingly, he knocked his opponent out in 3 rounds, and his opponent was supposed to be 1 of the heavyweight championship contenders! And more remarkably, his left hand was super strong.

This way, he went on to continue defeating his more illustrious opponents and eventually being the no. 1 contender. Now, the champion, Max Baer was a brute. He grew up in a slaughterhouse, which is where he got his sledgehammar-like right fist. 2 opponents have died when being hit by it, having their brains smashed inside.

By now, Braddock was dubbed Cinderella Man, giong against the odds to fight back, and yet his wife, was so fearful of his life after learning of Baer and told him she wasn't behind him, when all along, he has fought, with his wife in mind. The following is an excerpt from the book where his wife Mae wanted to pray for him, before the final fight:

Mae walked alone for a long time through the deserted streets of Neward. The shadows stretched until they darkened the streets. All was quiet until she came to Father Rorick's church.

Though no regular service was scheduled for this hour, people were streaming through the open doors. Inside the lights were bright. Mae wondered as she crossed the courtyard if a funeral or even a wedding was in progress. Then Mae spied Father Rorick at the door and approached him.

"Father?" she asked, puzzled. peering around him, Mae saw that the church was full to brimming, with people lining up in the aisles as well.

"Hello, Mae," said Father Rorick.

"I came to pray for Jim."

"You too?" said the priest. he stepped back, directing her gaze to the church's interior. "So have they."

Mae blinked, surveyed the full pews, the people in worn clothes praying on their knees in the aisle, and shook her head.

"I don't -" Her voice faded as realisation dawned.

"Maybe sometimes people need to see someone do it so they can do it themselves," said Father Rorick. "They think Jim's fighting for them."

Mae looked over the crowd again. She saw men from the docks, vagrants from the street, women and children who'd been abandoned - all of them thrown aside by the world, challenged to summon enough fight inside themselves to keep going. They looked up to her husband, Mae realised, all of them. Jim Braddock had become their example...if he could fight and win, maybe they could too...

"Yes," Mae whispered. "I understand now,"

Mae turned, hurried into the street. As her heels clicked down the sidewalk, she noticed knots of men and women gathering in doorways, outside of shops. Through open windows and doors radios blared. They were all tuned to the same station - the announcer excitedly teasing the title fight about to begin.

The same thing was happening at Quincy's bar, in Sam's butcher shop, at the docks, the rail yards, the coal shuttles - even the Newark relief office. Anywhere there was a radio, a crowd of hungry, eager people crowded around to listen.


This part brought me to tears, because it was in this part that Mae realised that her husband was no longer fighting for dignity, or fighting for himself, his pride, but that he's fighting for all the people in america who has lost hope, hoping that he would triumphed against the odds and be their inspiration to do so too. Mae's realisation culminated in her going all the way to the boxing ring's changing room where she met her husband.


Jim rose, caught her up in his powerful arms. They kissed and kissed again. mae's words flowed in a torrent. "I don't know what i was saying, i'm always behind you jimmy, with you and inside you and in love with you. So you just...just you remember who you really are. "

"Who's that?"

"You're the Bulldog of Gergen," she said, smiling through her tears. "The pride of New Jersey. You're everybody's hope and your kids' hero and you're the champion of my heart, James J. Braddock."


Superb story.
To obey God seems like an easy solution, but is it really that easy? Full obediance requires full submission unto His will. I'm glad today i obeyed Him, and stepped out of my comfort zone. So happy for Him to wrestle with me in my heart daily, but never forcing me to make a choice. Such a great God.

Thursday, January 04, 2007

Blood Diamond

I thought that this show was fantastic. Diamonds found in the country of Sierra Leone used to fund the ongoing civil war. Simple story, but the aspect on civil war hit me pretty badly. There were scenes of rebels exterminating villages, killing everyone in sight and there was a commander who said something pretty ironic. The scene was set in the mining fields where he told one of the captives, who were forced to mine diamonds for them.

Commander : Long live the RUF (the rebel organisation)! We are going to help the people of Africa, we're giving freedom back to the people, over here, there's no such thing as master or slave.

Such an ironic statement, given that they're forcing their captives (male strong villages) to mine diamonds for them. And this other commander chop off arms of villages so that they cannot vote during the elections. Freedom.

What struck me hard was also the fact that children were being brainwashed to kill. At first they were scared, but after awhile, even children have become de-sensitised to the killing and actually enjoy it. Civil war is not really over is it?

Over at dear iraq, the civil war between the sunnis and shi'ites are ongoing everyday. Palestine is also threatening to have one with the Hamas and Fatah fighting each one. And the strange thing was when "supposed" government soldiers coming in, they also ended up killing so many people even innocents and some of them even have ulterior motives.

So it's all about killing, can anything really stop the civil war? Can these countries ever get out of poverty? Seeing all the people in the refugee camps really really shocked me. I guess sometimes, i'm so caught up with life and myself that i forget that so many people out there are suffering. Compared to singaporeans who are poor, i think the people in those countries are infinitely times worse off. And to think people still commit suicide in singapore out of supposed poverty.