Block leave has ended...sigh..end of everything!! haha well This is the start of Pro term man and 20+ more weeks to go!! Can't wait for it all to end...for the past few days, i've been bumming around...going out wif so many different friends and well, hopefully i've spent enough time with you guys. I've spent alot of money too, and i also drove alot too..wasting lotsa petrol man...feeling damn guilty since i'm not the spendthrift addition..i'm aghast by something horrible that happened and so in light of all this..i've decided to ban miself from driving out for 3 weeks unless super necessary and if possible, not to eat at places where food is too ex and not to spend so much money...
Anywae, i went for a missions talk juz now and i was quite touched during the presentation of phillipines and myanmar...the things the people and children go thru there juz to survive is remarkable man...the sufferings they go thru, living on rubbish..And here I am, the biggest sinner of all, juz complaining and whining about mi present state of condition in the army. Mi suffering is minute compared to the others. Sometimes i feel i've done injustice to the people around mi man...
Everytime someone asks mi how's life. Mi answer is quite simple. Either sian, or sucks, or tired...when have i ever replied wif a smile saying wad a blessing mi week has been...wierd, i tynk i'm sooo pampered in the past that i fail to see that everyday, i'm being blessed wif frens in army, wif gd friends outside and of course good training. Sometimes, i have to be more reflective instead of complaining all the time. From now on, i'll ENJOY all mi training and mi last few weeks in ocs. I'll cheerfully countdown till the day i commission man...and after that, by God's grace, i will be a good officer.
Anywae, i went for a missions talk juz now and i was quite touched during the presentation of phillipines and myanmar...the things the people and children go thru there juz to survive is remarkable man...the sufferings they go thru, living on rubbish..And here I am, the biggest sinner of all, juz complaining and whining about mi present state of condition in the army. Mi suffering is minute compared to the others. Sometimes i feel i've done injustice to the people around mi man...
Everytime someone asks mi how's life. Mi answer is quite simple. Either sian, or sucks, or tired...when have i ever replied wif a smile saying wad a blessing mi week has been...wierd, i tynk i'm sooo pampered in the past that i fail to see that everyday, i'm being blessed wif frens in army, wif gd friends outside and of course good training. Sometimes, i have to be more reflective instead of complaining all the time. From now on, i'll ENJOY all mi training and mi last few weeks in ocs. I'll cheerfully countdown till the day i commission man...and after that, by God's grace, i will be a good officer.
At 3:29 AM,
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