Finally!!! it's BLOCK LEAVE!! Which means i'm free from todae thursday till sunday night and the feeling of juz resting at home is fantabulous man!! It's been awhile since i've relly penned down mi thoughts about certain issues and i guess it's time to record them down lest i forget them as i did in the past few months.
Life as an officer cadet is sure tough but the pride and jubilation that i have as a Bravo cadet is there. We marched 23km on tuesday night and it was supposed to end on wednesday with the parade presenting us our third white bar on elephant hill at around 5+am on wednesday. This white bar signifies us becoming senior cadets in ocs and also the start of our Pro term as infantry commanders. The 23km march meanwhile was catered to signify the long road ahead of us before we get commissioned. We successfully completed the march wif jianhong zherui russell and many others continuously singing, even those cartoon shows like captain planet!! haha those were crazy times because those moments to me happened in a blur. Btw, jianhong's captain planet rap was fantastic.
However, we did not manage to get up elephant hill for our parade because another group of people booked the hill for an Exercise and it had greater precedence over a parade. And so the Echo guys took a tonner back to camp, because they as conducting for the whole cohort, only indented tonners for themselves. So in the end, Bravo, marched back to C for our parade. Hence the pride i feel. Other than that, training under lieutanent kal also made mi have more pride in the things i do, be it area cleaning, or the standard of our packing of field packs. He set an impossible standard to reach. But even when we fail to reach that impossible target, the standard we set is still higher than the other platoons...
Pride in the things we do. Sometimes i feel quite pissed that people fall in late after lunch. The fact that the same people always fall in late makes mi even angrier because dun they ever learn? The whole platoon has to wait for them..selfish people. But on a personal level, they are quite nice and farni people. Conflicting views i have of them. We got back our peer appraisal and i must say that the gd points i have of mi is relly too flattering. I dun tynk i help out as much as many others like jianhong yanda or russell. I feel that they are the real heroes of the platoons.
For yanda, always the first to volunteer for anything and always without grudge nor complaint. For jianhong, always daring to do wad others do not dare to. All the SHIT work he has got to do and it's relly shitty. He has to clean off the SHIT stains on the toilet bowls because those inconsiderate people juz left the stains there and most of us do not haf the moral courage to take a brush and scrub it off. Russell, also always one of the few to volunteer and he is really selfless in everything he does. This 3 i deeply respect. I do volunteer to do things, but sometimes i will complain and make some noise about selfish people. And i do not have the courage to do the things that jianhong does and i'm not totally selfless.
The points to improve though are quite expected. Some said i was quite annoying at times due to mi comments i guess. They said that i'm very straightforward and at times can have an abrasive effect on people. Also i tend to push for mi ideas and sometimes overlook others. Above all that, they said i shld listen more to the appointment holders instead of always voicing out mi own opinions to them.And during mi leadership position, i shld be less stressful and be more able to delicate tasks to people as well as speak up more to the platoon. Does all this sound familiar?? Well, i guess i shld change a little. I shall try to be less annoying wif mi comments. And i will try to minimise voicing out mi opinions to appointment holders and also to listen to other's ideas. But for the straightforward part, i guess it's gonna stay, because i'm juz being honest and sometimes, there's no need for tact.
And during mi leadership position, i guess everyone has to knoe that it's not that i'm not able to delicate tasts or speak up more. I agree that compared to the current appointment holders i fall wide short of standard. But there are so many reasons that people overlook. The most important of which is me being new in ocs. It was mi first day there when i got chosen to be the CPS. I've no clue wad mi tasks are, no clue how to get to places and more imporatantly, i dun relly knoe anyone from the platoon. Having support from people you knoe is key for a leader. Afterall, a leader is not a lone ranger. He is a man, respected and supported by many man around him. That's mi definition of a leader. Moreover, i believe in servant leadership. As in i will only pass down tasks for people tp do only if i myself have the capability to do it.
The only reason why the appointment holders are doing better now i guess is due to the familiarity wif the role. Afterall, it's been 8 weeks and if u ask mi to do the job again, haha, i hope i'll be able to do it well to account for mi lousy showing the first time. But well, peer appraisal is 1 thing, but knowing urself is another.
About love, sometimes like jianhong says, it's good to have someone in mind, because that person keeps you going. It's been some time since i dwell on this topic and for the past few weeks, i've been daydreaming quite alot. A pity i do not have any forms of photos of her or else i can paste it in mi bunk. I've also been wondering, to say or not to say? For 1, i'm afraid it will ruin mi friendship, but then again, if i shld not say, i'm unable to move on. Because after soooooo long, i still do not have a direct answer although i do get flashes of indirect hints from the indirect questions that i ask. Well, i guess i'll juz continue daydreaming for the moment. This issue has always been a dilemna, to say or not to zixu??
But anywae, the word love is still damn mushy..i prefer the word like. Maybe after so many years i have still not matured in mi thoughts yet. Oh anywae, that ger has fulfilled the 1 basic requirement. The rest, i tynk she exceeds all requirements. Fantastic person. One who has my utmost respect. But up till now, i still have not figured out the reason y i like her so much.
Tonight i will be going for mi bravo social night and again there'll be boozing...i juz hope to take advantage of the free flow soft drinks man...haha but dun worry, i dun drink beer and neither am i an alcoholic. I'm a non-drinker. I shall juz hope to find some ways to spend mi time there man..Gorge on the we paid $40 for the buffet there..better be good...haha
I guess that's all so far...take care mi friends
Life as an officer cadet is sure tough but the pride and jubilation that i have as a Bravo cadet is there. We marched 23km on tuesday night and it was supposed to end on wednesday with the parade presenting us our third white bar on elephant hill at around 5+am on wednesday. This white bar signifies us becoming senior cadets in ocs and also the start of our Pro term as infantry commanders. The 23km march meanwhile was catered to signify the long road ahead of us before we get commissioned. We successfully completed the march wif jianhong zherui russell and many others continuously singing, even those cartoon shows like captain planet!! haha those were crazy times because those moments to me happened in a blur. Btw, jianhong's captain planet rap was fantastic.
However, we did not manage to get up elephant hill for our parade because another group of people booked the hill for an Exercise and it had greater precedence over a parade. And so the Echo guys took a tonner back to camp, because they as conducting for the whole cohort, only indented tonners for themselves. So in the end, Bravo, marched back to C for our parade. Hence the pride i feel. Other than that, training under lieutanent kal also made mi have more pride in the things i do, be it area cleaning, or the standard of our packing of field packs. He set an impossible standard to reach. But even when we fail to reach that impossible target, the standard we set is still higher than the other platoons...
Pride in the things we do. Sometimes i feel quite pissed that people fall in late after lunch. The fact that the same people always fall in late makes mi even angrier because dun they ever learn? The whole platoon has to wait for them..selfish people. But on a personal level, they are quite nice and farni people. Conflicting views i have of them. We got back our peer appraisal and i must say that the gd points i have of mi is relly too flattering. I dun tynk i help out as much as many others like jianhong yanda or russell. I feel that they are the real heroes of the platoons.
For yanda, always the first to volunteer for anything and always without grudge nor complaint. For jianhong, always daring to do wad others do not dare to. All the SHIT work he has got to do and it's relly shitty. He has to clean off the SHIT stains on the toilet bowls because those inconsiderate people juz left the stains there and most of us do not haf the moral courage to take a brush and scrub it off. Russell, also always one of the few to volunteer and he is really selfless in everything he does. This 3 i deeply respect. I do volunteer to do things, but sometimes i will complain and make some noise about selfish people. And i do not have the courage to do the things that jianhong does and i'm not totally selfless.
The points to improve though are quite expected. Some said i was quite annoying at times due to mi comments i guess. They said that i'm very straightforward and at times can have an abrasive effect on people. Also i tend to push for mi ideas and sometimes overlook others. Above all that, they said i shld listen more to the appointment holders instead of always voicing out mi own opinions to them.And during mi leadership position, i shld be less stressful and be more able to delicate tasks to people as well as speak up more to the platoon. Does all this sound familiar?? Well, i guess i shld change a little. I shall try to be less annoying wif mi comments. And i will try to minimise voicing out mi opinions to appointment holders and also to listen to other's ideas. But for the straightforward part, i guess it's gonna stay, because i'm juz being honest and sometimes, there's no need for tact.
And during mi leadership position, i guess everyone has to knoe that it's not that i'm not able to delicate tasts or speak up more. I agree that compared to the current appointment holders i fall wide short of standard. But there are so many reasons that people overlook. The most important of which is me being new in ocs. It was mi first day there when i got chosen to be the CPS. I've no clue wad mi tasks are, no clue how to get to places and more imporatantly, i dun relly knoe anyone from the platoon. Having support from people you knoe is key for a leader. Afterall, a leader is not a lone ranger. He is a man, respected and supported by many man around him. That's mi definition of a leader. Moreover, i believe in servant leadership. As in i will only pass down tasks for people tp do only if i myself have the capability to do it.
The only reason why the appointment holders are doing better now i guess is due to the familiarity wif the role. Afterall, it's been 8 weeks and if u ask mi to do the job again, haha, i hope i'll be able to do it well to account for mi lousy showing the first time. But well, peer appraisal is 1 thing, but knowing urself is another.
About love, sometimes like jianhong says, it's good to have someone in mind, because that person keeps you going. It's been some time since i dwell on this topic and for the past few weeks, i've been daydreaming quite alot. A pity i do not have any forms of photos of her or else i can paste it in mi bunk. I've also been wondering, to say or not to say? For 1, i'm afraid it will ruin mi friendship, but then again, if i shld not say, i'm unable to move on. Because after soooooo long, i still do not have a direct answer although i do get flashes of indirect hints from the indirect questions that i ask. Well, i guess i'll juz continue daydreaming for the moment. This issue has always been a dilemna, to say or not to zixu??
But anywae, the word love is still damn mushy..i prefer the word like. Maybe after so many years i have still not matured in mi thoughts yet. Oh anywae, that ger has fulfilled the 1 basic requirement. The rest, i tynk she exceeds all requirements. Fantastic person. One who has my utmost respect. But up till now, i still have not figured out the reason y i like her so much.
Tonight i will be going for mi bravo social night and again there'll be boozing...i juz hope to take advantage of the free flow soft drinks man...haha but dun worry, i dun drink beer and neither am i an alcoholic. I'm a non-drinker. I shall juz hope to find some ways to spend mi time there man..Gorge on the we paid $40 for the buffet there..better be good...haha
I guess that's all so far...take care mi friends
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