Taken at social nite..the genius nick and ms yue yiao mi date.............
hello everyone!! i've decided to type some stuff here finally...ok anywae ocs social nite was over and i asked yue yiao along as mi date aka lady friend lar...social nite was not bad quite well organised although some of the games were super duper boring man and i had to resort to entertaining miself wif mi own comments ar..But not bad lar although situation was a little bit awkward, but the people at mi table were fun to begin wif and generally had quite a lot of laughs..those jokers..
Christmas class gathering at zixu's place..i'm too lazy to centralise this
Ok i must apologise to mi frens hu did not receive mi presents last year even though i promised them. Sorry zixu and jasmine!! I haven't even begun doing ur present but i promise i'll get it done when i'm back...haha forgive mi kk?? And to val thx for the cookies man..they were nice although it's pirated one...i was cheated lor..i tot u did the whole cookie urself but...hehe it's ok as long as u knoe i knoe can liao...argh!! I feel so bad not even giving u a christmas card!! Thx for putting in so much effort to decorate everything, i tried mi best to leave everything in place after eating th ecookies..The cookies are for eating not for display rite?? oops..
My pw group!!!! Genius whitemeat slavedriver and sickening slacker turtle
Next to all the people that i've not sent mi christmas or happy new year greetings...
I'M SORRY^99999999999999999999
Next time perhaps....

Wenjun and I...haha went to watch perhaps love tt day...
Today i almost lost to myself..for the past few days i've began brooding again and i almost lost the battle of commitment i was supposed to keep. I so wanted to blurt it all out of course not literally by thru a very sweet and touching way lar of course...haha but when i was queueing up about to pay for mi materials...i suddenly had a change of mind ( not heart because mi heart wants to do it ) and juz left the materials by one side and left the shop...and i heaved a huge sigh of relief after tt...i won the small war this time...
This is d'euqilco! We took this on the day we watched harry potter GOF
Hmmm, when does ur childhood end?? I've began tynking about this eversince i realised tt i'll be turning 20 in a few months..end of mi teenhood! uper duper old already lar...but anywae i believe that mi childhood was until 16 only...which is till the end of sec4. All i knoe was that in jc i've changed quite alot probably owing to the matured company of zixu jas binh val seok eunike xinru...hmmm...i kinda miss the times man!
Now at 19, i've lost contact wif a few of them due to conflicting schedules and sometimes due to some things within us that's changed instead.
And yeap juz went to dawn prayer wif mi cell group yesterday and we went for breakfast together after tt. Prayer was good but difficult guess i got long way to go man. Must get mi spiritual life back on track! Ya breakfast was lousy at delifrance, serving so small like feeding dwarfs liddat..but the time spent was good! Got to knoe them better especially the pple tt joined after i enlisted in army! I miss all of them man...
My cell group!! the one behind mi is ah ma...still dun wanna centralise it!!!!
Ok new year resolutions now...
1)Make those damn presents for mi frens...
2)develop the 300+ photos tt i have!! It's been dragged so long liao...
3)go to fiona's hse for cny and play the same trick i played on norman last year again
4)go to cg more often if i can
5)grow taller by 2cm...grrrrrrrr
6)continue to fight the battle like a hunk
7)survive thailand!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
8)no more accidents!! drive like the genius i am!!

Pearleen janie genius and the great tyr!!!!!!!!!!! haha quite a nice pic i tot..
Tt's all so far...i'll be leaving for thailand on the lousy tiger airways in like 3 hours...so well...for people still wanting to reach mi overseas and not pay a single cent via sms...visit the link below!
Or u can go to www.singnet.com.sg and click internet sms to sms mi!! I'll gladly read thru them man...juz send man!! U all better send i tell u...and pls put ur name at the bottom so i knoe hu sent it...
Oh! And i juz realised tt can upload photos direct from mi com liao..haha suaku rite?? haha
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