
Thursday, May 24, 2007

Chasing after worthlessness

Haha!! My mum just chipped off 1 of her tooth while eating those fried fish skin! So now my dad and my mum is has one blank file at the exact same spot!! And tt makes 3 family members with 1 blank file including me! Wee!! Join the party man!

I was reading about the champions league finals when i chanced upon this sentence

=> At the end Kaka slumped to his knees in the centre circle and prayed to the heavens while Inzaghi was enveloped in a sea of white shirts.

Kaka is such a man of God. Everytime he scores a goal, he would point his 2 hands towards heaven in a gesture to thank God for the goal that he scored. Thank God for people of such strong faith in a sport so permeated with scandals and self-glorifying moments. In fact, i've never ever seen Kaka claiming how good he is. He's always that humble guy, out of the limelight.

Today i had my last session of a mentoring course in church office and once again i learnt so many many things. It's great to listen and watch a video of Pastor Edmund speaking for a conference in KL. This is a man who walks the talk. And those pastors that he mentor all almost take after his humility.

And i guess the one thing i learnt from him today is to learn how to cultivate the inner life. How many christians actually do not even know of the inner life, prefering to do alot of things for God, frequently "running on empty" and in the end succumbing to soul fatigue? I guess i've been like that too in the past, not knowing what is it like to live a called life.

And the symptoms of soul fatigue are a sense of rush and restlessness, a sense of boredom and a sense of isolation. It's scary because it's something i've been through and i can totally understand what he was saying. And he had this to share :

Jeremiah 2:5
Thus says the Lord:
"What wrong did your fathers find in me that they went far from me, and went after worthlessness, and became worthless?"

The context of this was the prophet Jeremiah, upon receiving God's word went to tell the people of Israel, because while God has been so faithful to them, many times, they chose to rebel against God and chased after idols and not keep God's commands.

And this verse also applies in this generation. How often have i went after worthlessness, went after things that are not of eternal value, chased after the idols in my heart, and missed out on the great God? The message is simple. Chase after worthlessness, you'll be worthless. Chase after emptiness, you'll be worthless. Soon in this world, we'll just lose our identities. Who are we? Who am i? What is your purpose for your life?

Chase after God, because he alone is worthy. What is holding you back?


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