
Sunday, December 31, 2006

It's the new year and i glad i started it on the right foot with God once again this year. I went to church at 6am for the dawn prayer that would last a week. This is going to be a strong test for me..waking up sooooo early! I remember that i also came for the dawn prayer on 1Jan 2006, in the midst of my backsliding and not going to church. So glad that 1 year later, i feel more intimate with God already.

Today Ps edmund spoke from Ecclesiastes 7:8-10. And in it wrote about the need to not only start well, but to end well too. To surrender the haughty and proud spirit and be meek and humble. And of course to be patient instead of being impatient all the time and to be slow to anger. Such wise words. I believe that i really need to submit to God in this area. Pride, anger, impatience.

One of such manifestations is on the road. I am really really prone to road rage. If there's 2 areas in my life which always never fails to irritate me, this is 1 of them. The other is fetching my sister at late timings whem i'm tired.

I remember this once, i was turning out from my house and i saw a taxi more than 100m away. I naturally turned out but this taxi was speeding like mad and catched up with me in no time and he actually flashed the lights at me. I saw that he was trying to go to the right to overtake me and i retaliated. I immediately tried to switch to the right lane too but luckily i didn't manage to because the front of the taxi was in line with my rear and it would have resulted in an accident. So after the taxi has overtaken me and switched back to my lane, i honked him repeatedly.

And all this while, God was wrestling with me and telling me to stop it. And i actually ignored it and do it my way. After that naturally i felt guilty lar. That's just 1 of many incidents that has happened this year. So my 1 new year resolution for the year 2007 is to follow God with all of my heart, soul, strength and mind. Even to the level of humbling myself before him, and not doing it my way, i'll do it. And i hope that next year, as i choose to follow him more and mine less, i hope that there'll be fewer cases of me retaliating in anger.

Anyway, yesterday was Ms Tammie Ho's farewell. She is going to the UK to study and so will relinquish control of the nj soccer team. This is a woman, who has managed to command fear, awe and respect from me. There was an incident, during the malacca trip in 2004 march holidays. I bought some vcds from malaysia, and they were originals. When ms ho found out, she screamed and screamed and screamed at me non-stop. And i found it ridiculous at that time, after all they were originals. However, after a few months and more maturity, i realised that what she did was right.

In singapore, vcds and media not cleared by the media and censorship authority of singapore is deemed illegal. Not only was she a very dedicated soccer teacher-in-charge, she also made herself responsible for everyone's moral and character development. And for that i respect her. She looks different from the past and i'm just glad that after 2 years, we've met again. Our team of 03/04 presented her with a photo, the only photo of the team in malacca! She was very happy. Like i always believe, though the developing cost is cheap, and the acrylic frame is not very expensive, yet the memories it can bring to 1 is priceless.

Next up, weibin's 21st birthday celebration! I reached there the latest and the whole place was bustling with activity! Such an interesting sight to see all the relatives, friends, classmates, army friends all coming together to celebrate weibin's birthday! I made him a....*drumrolls* collage! hahaha and i'm glad that he relaly liked it. I guess while the idea of a collage may sound boring and overused my me, given that it's the 4th or 5th that i've done, i guess for different people receiving it, it has different meanings.

And yea, just like the nj soccer team, they were shocked at the number of photos that they've not seen nor received! Haha all are with me...sigh..And weibin is such a wonderful host to everyone! Can really tell that he was enjoying himself running about, serving and greeting people. His family is really really uber family-oriented. Cousins of more than 10 years age gap playing together like children and i really really really envy that scenario.

I'm seriously a wierd person. I can't seem to bring out the playful and child-like side of me whenever i'm with my family. I'm just like an aloof, older brother, just keeping to himself and just doing his own stuff even though my sisters many times tried to involve me like playing cards etc but i just can't do it. And it really pains me, this inertia. Some of you may know that i'm interested in working with children, in orphanages or in children's home and if i can't even be the fun loving self, how to play with the kids?

Well, just glad to usher in the new year! haha have fun everybody!


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