It's been a good weekend i must say. On fri, i played badminton wif the usual gang comprising of weize, shiwei, serhwee, weize's little bro bryan, and weize's fren teck sng. Overall it was a rather good game except for the minor glitches before the game about the venue and the no. of people tt turned up. Basically, as usual, i was quite rash in mi decision making process and had a minor argument wif weize due to miscommunication but i'm glad tt we managed to iron things out pretty smoothly at the end and of course no grudges bore after the whole thing.
I found it a healthy argument because for the few rare times in mi life, i actually swallowed mi over-swelling pride to talk to weize and try to solve the problem, and i even apologised and bore the larger part of the blame. It's good though, every argument, every conversation wif people is always a learning journey for mi which i believe is the lesson that God wants mi to take home. To all mi frens out there, pls try to put mi in place gently and kindly if i overstep the border at times and am abit too much to handle ok?
On sat, i was extremely bored but eventually i plucked mi fat butt off mi computer seat and made mi way to simlim square ALONE. It was a gd trip because basically i was able to do things at mi own pace and need not have to bother about whether the other person is bored or wad. Bascially, juz do the things i want la. Browsed a few IT stuff and set mi sight on building a wireless network at home, hopefully at a more budgeted price than the 1 i estimated, and a new 17 inch lcd monitor from philips tt cost like 419 bucks. Zixu if u're seeing this come back soon k? Hope to go wif u to simlim when u're back!
Had carrot cake at the famous rochor market and practically had to queue up for 20min for a plate of $2 carrot cake but it was all worth it because the portion was so huge tt i could barely finish it and not to mention tasty too! Cheap, tasty and large quantity are the main things i look out for in food! Din really regret queueing because after i got mi food, the queue grew even longer. Hmmm, a testament to how famous tt store was, people could come and buy like 6 packets at 1 short. Yup. tt's y the queue was so insanely long tt it barely even moved.
After that i wanted to have a look at some guitars at bras basah complex and so happened to pass by the national library. I must say tt i couldn't resist the temptation to explore the national library, again ALONE. The trip to every level via the elevator really quench mi curiosity and the view was simply, wonderful. There's a nice study corner and a nice garden. Perfect dating ground man. Saw some people practising qi gong there too! Quite a beautiful building.
Bras basah complex was nicer in its outlook due to renovation and there are still many bookstores open, selling 2nd hand textbooks, guildebooks, etc. It's quite a steal considering the prices of most textbooks nowadays. The guitar i bought cost $64 and the bad cost $20 i tynk. Guitar was classical one after recommendation from the man for beginners like mi.
After purchasing the guitar, i walked to esplanade, enjoying the night view of the city to meet agnes, who was like mi rather alone. We met at the top of esplanade, and proceeded to talk for more than 2 hours. Oh and before she came, a group of malays beside mi actually boldly asked mi to lend them mi guitar and i was only too glad to lend it to them. So throughout the entire duration of our time there, we had some nice music, and so i've nv regretted mi action although this would mean i was not to be the first person to play it. But whoever cares bout such nonsense!
Which reminds mi of the time in ocs when a fellow cadet accidentally unsheathed the sword that belonged to another cadet and the guy hus sword was unsheathed by another was utterly pissed because he believed tt he shld be the first to unsheath it. Ok out of point but i feel tt it's like super minor matter but i believe everyone has their own views.
The conversation as i said varied from religion, to girls and guys in general, to different education system, to alotalot lar. Throughout the years tt i've known her, this was the first time i've actually talked to her for so long. In the past, i always count miself to be super insanely more mature that her given the age gap and character differences but i guess as we all grow up, age doesn't really seem to matter anymore when our mind becomes interllectually more active and our views are broaden from the experiences we have received in this world.

Ok i knoe i'm veh manly and handsome u all can stop staring at mi now and continue reading pls.
And so, i've began mi odyssey in conquering this beautiful instrument. I must admit that i was abit overconfident in mastering this instrument given mi chinese orchestra, zhongruan daruan and liuqin background. I underestimated the piece of solid wood. While the playing style is somewhat similar given the chords, it's a little bit harder because of the way i had to hold it. I alwys haf the tendency to want to hold it like mi chinese instrument man. Old habits die hard man. And the skin around mi fingers are starting to harden like before. Well, sometimes sacrifices have to be made to become the most eligible bachelor in singapore by age 25.
So far i've managed to figure out a little bit of the strumming pattern given the rhythm and gist of the main song. Quite accomplished. But i must not rest on mi laurels. I shall continue to learn this instrument miself and hopefully be able to lead worship 1 day! Though i still can't up i shld join some farni idol competition liao..mayb tt'll give mi the drive to attempt to improve mi lousy singing!
Cg has been good and well, the number of girls has swelled tremendously since the last time and the guys were really really outnumbered man. Happy that i'm back into this group of people tt i've not meet for most of last year and it's juz nice to talk about so many things wif them! any guys who wanna join mi juz kindly send mi a msg, i'd gladly introduce u to mi homely cell group man. We usually meet up on friday evenings at about 7.30pm. Oh u can tag mi too! Gers also can lar, we have many professionals there to help u if u haf any trouble man. Teachers form the main bulk though we have a tax accountant, an architect, some students, and of course the most important factor is the genius lar.
Recently, i've been reading alot about the dialogue that some jounalists had wif MM Lee and there has been many articles published in the forum regarding this issue. Somehow, i juz felt that the attitude of some young pple in S'pore are not quite correct. While i'm impressed wif the journalists direct questions to this man, i juz felt that the tone was abit disrespectful. Of course there are worse attitudes which are political apathy, that is people not caring for the health and governance of our nation too. How many youths todae actually take notice of the difference in lifestyle led by us, and other countries around the world?
Many argue that in singapore, we do not have true democracy, that our government is a little bit of strict, wif respect to liberal strikes and the right to protest for things that do not go the people's way; afterall democracy is about people's power rite? But wad i read todae in the forum reinforced mi view on this. Would we trade our robust economy, strong governance, and fair judicial system for the sake of more political freedom? Look at france, young working adults as well as students go on strikes and refused to work or attend sch when the prime minister attempted to change a law in labour which is to simplify the process in which employers terminate the services of young employees shld their work attitude not be good.
In taiwan where true democracy prevails, MPs throw chairs and slap each other when they disagree wif one another in parliament. National disgrace. In hongkong, the media is given freeplay. Look at their paparrazzis! They are everywhere, getting the latest gossip, or sometimes making their own gossips! Would u like paparrazzis in singapore? Of course there are many other examples which i shan't mention here. And interestingly, their country is not really stable economically, politically and socially. Having a government is equivalent to having no power. The people have the last say! If that's the case, y haf a government in the first place?
Of course, i really wonder wad FREEDOM do our people want really. Freedom to say whatever they want? That would result in lots of slandering and soon nobody could tell fiction from fact. For example in Dr Chee's case, he accused the government of giving $17 billion dollars to Indonesia, without subsantiate evidence. Freedom of speech comes at a price. Which is y the government has introduced something new; freedom of speech with RESPONSIBILITY. And people are still complaining!! Which i do not really understand y.
So wad other freedom do we truly desire? Right now wif our bustling economy, many people have jobs and we haf the freedom to spend. We are as individuals, economically more well to do than many other nations in the world, and many more who have total democracy. Seriously, are we pushing the boundary too far?
Of course, i do not condone these people because i believe that with such a response, it can only be good for the political climate in our country where more young people are encouraged to speak up about wad they feel. But we must not forget the path our country has taken to prosperity and must never take it for granted. While not many out there would have the same opinion as mi, i still feel that we ought to have respect for our government and to our MM Lee who has done alot for our country.
Afterall politics is really not just about elections, but it's about whether we have jobs, whether we have a home to slp every night, whether our kids would receive top-rated education, and whether there's a future for all of us in our beautiful country.
I found it a healthy argument because for the few rare times in mi life, i actually swallowed mi over-swelling pride to talk to weize and try to solve the problem, and i even apologised and bore the larger part of the blame. It's good though, every argument, every conversation wif people is always a learning journey for mi which i believe is the lesson that God wants mi to take home. To all mi frens out there, pls try to put mi in place gently and kindly if i overstep the border at times and am abit too much to handle ok?
On sat, i was extremely bored but eventually i plucked mi fat butt off mi computer seat and made mi way to simlim square ALONE. It was a gd trip because basically i was able to do things at mi own pace and need not have to bother about whether the other person is bored or wad. Bascially, juz do the things i want la. Browsed a few IT stuff and set mi sight on building a wireless network at home, hopefully at a more budgeted price than the 1 i estimated, and a new 17 inch lcd monitor from philips tt cost like 419 bucks. Zixu if u're seeing this come back soon k? Hope to go wif u to simlim when u're back!
Had carrot cake at the famous rochor market and practically had to queue up for 20min for a plate of $2 carrot cake but it was all worth it because the portion was so huge tt i could barely finish it and not to mention tasty too! Cheap, tasty and large quantity are the main things i look out for in food! Din really regret queueing because after i got mi food, the queue grew even longer. Hmmm, a testament to how famous tt store was, people could come and buy like 6 packets at 1 short. Yup. tt's y the queue was so insanely long tt it barely even moved.
After that i wanted to have a look at some guitars at bras basah complex and so happened to pass by the national library. I must say tt i couldn't resist the temptation to explore the national library, again ALONE. The trip to every level via the elevator really quench mi curiosity and the view was simply, wonderful. There's a nice study corner and a nice garden. Perfect dating ground man. Saw some people practising qi gong there too! Quite a beautiful building.
Bras basah complex was nicer in its outlook due to renovation and there are still many bookstores open, selling 2nd hand textbooks, guildebooks, etc. It's quite a steal considering the prices of most textbooks nowadays. The guitar i bought cost $64 and the bad cost $20 i tynk. Guitar was classical one after recommendation from the man for beginners like mi.
After purchasing the guitar, i walked to esplanade, enjoying the night view of the city to meet agnes, who was like mi rather alone. We met at the top of esplanade, and proceeded to talk for more than 2 hours. Oh and before she came, a group of malays beside mi actually boldly asked mi to lend them mi guitar and i was only too glad to lend it to them. So throughout the entire duration of our time there, we had some nice music, and so i've nv regretted mi action although this would mean i was not to be the first person to play it. But whoever cares bout such nonsense!
Which reminds mi of the time in ocs when a fellow cadet accidentally unsheathed the sword that belonged to another cadet and the guy hus sword was unsheathed by another was utterly pissed because he believed tt he shld be the first to unsheath it. Ok out of point but i feel tt it's like super minor matter but i believe everyone has their own views.
The conversation as i said varied from religion, to girls and guys in general, to different education system, to alotalot lar. Throughout the years tt i've known her, this was the first time i've actually talked to her for so long. In the past, i always count miself to be super insanely more mature that her given the age gap and character differences but i guess as we all grow up, age doesn't really seem to matter anymore when our mind becomes interllectually more active and our views are broaden from the experiences we have received in this world.

Ok i knoe i'm veh manly and handsome u all can stop staring at mi now and continue reading pls.
And so, i've began mi odyssey in conquering this beautiful instrument. I must admit that i was abit overconfident in mastering this instrument given mi chinese orchestra, zhongruan daruan and liuqin background. I underestimated the piece of solid wood. While the playing style is somewhat similar given the chords, it's a little bit harder because of the way i had to hold it. I alwys haf the tendency to want to hold it like mi chinese instrument man. Old habits die hard man. And the skin around mi fingers are starting to harden like before. Well, sometimes sacrifices have to be made to become the most eligible bachelor in singapore by age 25.
So far i've managed to figure out a little bit of the strumming pattern given the rhythm and gist of the main song. Quite accomplished. But i must not rest on mi laurels. I shall continue to learn this instrument miself and hopefully be able to lead worship 1 day! Though i still can't up i shld join some farni idol competition liao..mayb tt'll give mi the drive to attempt to improve mi lousy singing!
Cg has been good and well, the number of girls has swelled tremendously since the last time and the guys were really really outnumbered man. Happy that i'm back into this group of people tt i've not meet for most of last year and it's juz nice to talk about so many things wif them! any guys who wanna join mi juz kindly send mi a msg, i'd gladly introduce u to mi homely cell group man. We usually meet up on friday evenings at about 7.30pm. Oh u can tag mi too! Gers also can lar, we have many professionals there to help u if u haf any trouble man. Teachers form the main bulk though we have a tax accountant, an architect, some students, and of course the most important factor is the genius lar.
Recently, i've been reading alot about the dialogue that some jounalists had wif MM Lee and there has been many articles published in the forum regarding this issue. Somehow, i juz felt that the attitude of some young pple in S'pore are not quite correct. While i'm impressed wif the journalists direct questions to this man, i juz felt that the tone was abit disrespectful. Of course there are worse attitudes which are political apathy, that is people not caring for the health and governance of our nation too. How many youths todae actually take notice of the difference in lifestyle led by us, and other countries around the world?
Many argue that in singapore, we do not have true democracy, that our government is a little bit of strict, wif respect to liberal strikes and the right to protest for things that do not go the people's way; afterall democracy is about people's power rite? But wad i read todae in the forum reinforced mi view on this. Would we trade our robust economy, strong governance, and fair judicial system for the sake of more political freedom? Look at france, young working adults as well as students go on strikes and refused to work or attend sch when the prime minister attempted to change a law in labour which is to simplify the process in which employers terminate the services of young employees shld their work attitude not be good.
In taiwan where true democracy prevails, MPs throw chairs and slap each other when they disagree wif one another in parliament. National disgrace. In hongkong, the media is given freeplay. Look at their paparrazzis! They are everywhere, getting the latest gossip, or sometimes making their own gossips! Would u like paparrazzis in singapore? Of course there are many other examples which i shan't mention here. And interestingly, their country is not really stable economically, politically and socially. Having a government is equivalent to having no power. The people have the last say! If that's the case, y haf a government in the first place?
Of course, i really wonder wad FREEDOM do our people want really. Freedom to say whatever they want? That would result in lots of slandering and soon nobody could tell fiction from fact. For example in Dr Chee's case, he accused the government of giving $17 billion dollars to Indonesia, without subsantiate evidence. Freedom of speech comes at a price. Which is y the government has introduced something new; freedom of speech with RESPONSIBILITY. And people are still complaining!! Which i do not really understand y.
So wad other freedom do we truly desire? Right now wif our bustling economy, many people have jobs and we haf the freedom to spend. We are as individuals, economically more well to do than many other nations in the world, and many more who have total democracy. Seriously, are we pushing the boundary too far?
Of course, i do not condone these people because i believe that with such a response, it can only be good for the political climate in our country where more young people are encouraged to speak up about wad they feel. But we must not forget the path our country has taken to prosperity and must never take it for granted. While not many out there would have the same opinion as mi, i still feel that we ought to have respect for our government and to our MM Lee who has done alot for our country.
Afterall politics is really not just about elections, but it's about whether we have jobs, whether we have a home to slp every night, whether our kids would receive top-rated education, and whether there's a future for all of us in our beautiful country.

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